Todays bad choices are made yesterday

The mind makes us think that freedom of choice, is a choice made in the outside world. It gives you a false sense of control by telling you this. If this was true, all those moments of picking up the first drink again wouldn’t have happened. Afterwards we make up a story of why and how we did it and leave it behind only for it to occur again.
WHY? Why is this happening. Because it is not in the moment itself you have freedom of choice. The choice is made long before the event occurs. You make a decision deep down inside for right or wrong, ego or higher power, left or right. And in time - a day or a week later - this decision manifests itself in the outside. At that point, you have no control what so ever. It will happen 100%. The only way you can undo bad choices, is to constantly be in contact with the deepest part of yourself where manifestation begins. You can feel there what is manifesting and which way you are going and re adjust if you want to. A deep surrender from that point of yourself will change course.
If you look on the outside for direction about where you are going or you are looking for evidence about if you are doing the right thing - you are a 100% recreating your past. Because seeing or “looking” on the outside is selective looking done by conditioning. It will find what it wants to find in order to reassure itself. Creating a false sense of safety, direction and purpose. The only real purpose, the only real truth of your life - is only found in the heart. Follow your heart as for your heart will never hurt yourself or anyone else. The heart doesn't make mistakes, only blessings in disguise🤍🩵
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