If you want different, you have to choose different.
The mind wil make you think that this decision starts on the outside. It will tell you, you have to change certain behaviors. But I will tell you this - no one ever made a significant fundamental change by changing there behavior. It seems that way but what happened before the behavior changed, was the deep inside job of surrender. Somewhere deep inside you, you decided that you wanted beter for yourself. Somewhere deep inside your being you choose love instead of fear and that is the effect of experiencing hope. And from that moment onwards the change happened. Everything is an inside job. Your whole world is on the inside and the outside is a perfect reflection of the inside.
If someone is telling you different, that is because they haven’t experienced complete freedom themselves. As you will only except this truth when you experienced it yourself. Because admitting this will make you give up the outside, including blaming other people for your hurt. As you completely understand that everything, literally everything, starts on the inside and ends on the inside. And everything in between that, is there just to teach you truth. Including other people playing a part in it that sometimes hurts or goes against everything you ever learned. It’s still not their story. It’s yours and yours only. If you decide different inside, you will get different outside. If you decide that rejection and failure aren’t part of your path anymore, it will magically be removed from your life. You will understand that none of these things ever existed. They only existed in the mind and because they existed in the mind, they kept creating this reality.
This year - except the truth of your own life and your own decisions without blaming others or circumstances. And realize that there is only one decision to make every second of every day: Love or fear. And from this decision on the inside, all other things will grow. Illusion or truth. Unity or separation. Acceptance or rejection.
This year for me is going to be the year of unconditional love and unity. Oneness and partnership. I was someone who didn’t have to learn to do something on my own, I had to learn to be in it together. I had to accept love like I never did before. I had to accept that I also can be taken care of sometimes. Learning to ask for love, warmth and care was one of the most uncomfortable yet freeing things I ever experienced. It made me go beyond myself and everything I thought I knew. With that I was released from self and true freedom and unity was given to me. And now, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Happy new year 🤍🩵
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Mooi 🤍
Happy new year! ✨