Cross addictions

Gepubliceerd op 1 februari 2025 om 08:51

This last month I spoke to several people who had a deep wish to let go of cross addictions only to discover that the cross addiction was basically more woven trough their being than the alcohol or drug addiction ever was.


I have the same experience. My eating disorder and my love addiction were way way way stronger than my alcohol or drug habit. I seriously only knew how massive this impact on my soul was the moment I had to let go of it. It was like I was dying on the inside and that is probably exactly what it is. There are habits in life that we developed to generate an illusion of connection, rest , peace of mind and a goal in life, a purpose - that are so well known to our bodies that it literally feels like the best thing in the world. And all else false away. You would leave your whole life behind only to continue the habit that gave you purpose in life.


To beat this system we have to admit that we are powerless over this habit and that it has the function of addiction- to go away from our feelings and the reality of life. It does this by creating the illusion of our desires only to abandon the true feelings that are screaming in the background to be felt. The inner child gets wounded every time we step into this illusion.


Then it’s time to watch the thought system. See how and when the thought system arises. It’s always to avoid that which you desire the most. So for example : we desire love the most of all. But the thought system of the cross addiction literally always sucks you in before you can feel the desire. It’s like a protection against it. So when the thought system arises which is always recognized by restlessness, irritable feelings and a lot of discontentment about yourself, about life and about others. - ask yourself what is the first thought of this system? And every time it happens: Try to go back to that first thought that sucked you in.  You will get closer and closer to the source which will make the whole system break down.


Last but not least- be willing to feel. Be willing to feel love and pain. Both are in you and both need your attention. This is not a job you have to work hard for. You just need to be honest and willing- love doesn’t run and it doesn’t hide. It is always there when you need it and when you dare to open your eyes to it. It doesn’t accuse or blame you for not being there sometimes. It will always welcome you with open arms. Love is there when ever you need it. It takes courage to love and if you came to this part of the Blog i know you are one of the people who really want it. Who desire a life of love and connection. Freedom, joy and success instead of destruction, pain and hatred. You should be so incredibly proud of yourself by coming this far and never ever forget your worth. If you came this far on your journey, there is no question about your strength and your ability to attain complete freedom. Remember that love is the only way. Fall seven times, stand back up eight. Remember every second of everyday that a Higher power is your way out of the human system that gets you in trouble. Thy will be done not mine- Step aside and let the healing happen 🤍🩵

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