Awaken to the true nature of who you are.
it took me years to discover that the only thing I had to change was absolutely nothing. I spend years trying to "cure" my mind. My behavior. My self. Don't get me wrong, there were things that defenitely needed work but that's something else than thinking you have to become someone else or something more, to be happy. I'd discovered that everything I was looking for, everything I always longed for, was right here - right now. No one else and nothing else was needed.
Through the spiritual path I was taught how to connect with that deeper realm inside myself. To leave the mind behind; do not fight it, do not hide it. Turn away from it and learn to touch the divine in yourself that is ever present in you. Unshakable and unchanging. As the practice became stronger and stronger, a deep peace and calm came over me and my life has never been the same since.
I overcame addiction, trauma, an eating disorder, fears and so on. I found a peace that comes from deep within. A happiness that is not depending on anything outside myself. But most of all I found freedom..
I share with others what I've found on this beautiful path and what other spiritual teachers, who I am forever grateful for, taught me.
I am here and I am free, join me...
Lina Rosa
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