

Everyone has a spiritual foundation. The ground of which we all come from is anonymous and 1 and the same. No identity, no I, self or me. Within that ground a thought arises, the “I” thought. Which, after a million years of conditioning, brings the feeling of I with it. This is what ego means. It is nothing more than a thought about self which creates the feeling that there is actually a separate self.

Truth is we are one and the same and always will be. The separation we mentally create between each other shapes the world of restlessness and discontentment because something is always missing. The connection with everything breaks when we believe in the separation and we go on a fruitless search to recreate this connection in everything we encounter in life, while in reality it’s only one breath away. Breath to the heart, give your heart all the attention it needs to reveal all that life has to give because it is no where to be found outside of yourself - it's here and it always has been. 🀍 🩡 have a great day




Processing feelings is an ongoing process. You are never “done” or finished. Having reached a calm state or having peace of mind mind doesn’t mean you don’t have emotions anymore. On the contrary , you will probably have more ! But you will be able to sense them early on, press the pause bottom and make room to let them be. Feel. Breath. Be there. And let them go. Emotions are energy in motion. When we run from our emotions or suppress them, the energy of that emotion gets stuck in our body and will cause emotional and physical pain. 

You are allowed to feel what ever you feel, You are allowed to be human! It doesn’t have to make sense and you do not have to understand it. Don’t judge, don’t run, don’t be afraid. Let yourself feel, heal and let go πŸ€

Be true to yourself


If you have people around you who are there for you when you need it the most, who accept you exactly as you are, light and darkness and who look through the strong outside right into the vulnerability of your soul, you literally have everything you need. 


Today; leave the toughness behind. Be your true self. Be the one who dares to show herself, no matter the outcome. No matter what anybody else thinks. Cry if you need to, be angry if you feel like it, laugh when you want to. And most importantly, Ask for help. You never have to feel like you are alone again, those days are in the past. Ask for help, the right people will show up. 

We are not suppose to walk this road on our own. We need each other. It’s the magic of the program🀍

Something missing something wrong


The mind is always seeking. Always sending you the signal that there is something missing. This gives you an overal feeling of constant restlessness. And when it does find something it wants, it’s only content for a short period of time before it wants more and more and more. That’s Because the mind cannot and will never be satisfied. because if it would be satisfied it can stop seeking and when the seeking stops the mind stops existing so it will never allow you to be satisfied with what you have or who you are, for too long.

Don’t buy in to it anymore. Stop listening, stop reacting.

Go to that place inside yourself where there is no need for anything. Where there is silence and peace. Where there is no need to seek, no need to find. The place where love and gratitude come so beautifully natural. Abide in that place and slowly but steady the seeking will stop. you will never search for happiness again because this place is pure happiness and overtime you will realize that none of the things your mind was telling you about yourself, are true. and that this place, this pure happiness, is who you are



Pull through


The light will always shine brighter on the other side.. That's not a question. It's a God given promise. You just need to get through...



Its all good



What if, what if all is fundamentally well and it always has been? What if there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. What if, all that you think about yourself is not true?


When we enter recovery we are full of old ideas and pictures about how things where, how things are and how things are suppose to be. It’s a crazy mess inside the mind that constantly superimposes these images to you so that you can hold on to your idea about the world and about yourself, and experience some kind of control.  But I’m telling you this, not one of these images is correct. Not one of those old ideas is right. It’s all based on past fears and anxiety about the future. It’s created from your childhood onwards and even before your own childhood started we are burdened with the generational legacy’s of fears and trauma. Which is completely ok, it’s how the world works. The only thing we have to do, is be aware of it. Be aware and stop believing it so that we stop letting fear run our lives. Where there is fear there is no love, those two cannot co exist.


As soon as you catch yourself saying things like how things should have been, how you should be different or how someone should behave; you know you are stuck in the dream of the mind. Things are as they are, people do what they do. YOU are what you are. And it’s absolutely more than enough. You are doing everything you can with everything you have and so is everyone else. Nothing is wrong with you and you are not a problem to be fixed. You are worthy, whole and a perfect complete human being. You are walking this path as strong as you can and you should be proud of that. As long as we see this in ourselves and in each other, love will rule the day and fear will vanish as a cloud before the sun 🀍



It always hits you when you least expect it.. pain, loss, grief.

I’ve lost a lot of people in my life but this is something I could have never imagined. You didn’t even take your first breath. I am the only one who experienced your presence. You were with me for quit a while. I felt you grow, I felt you move. No one will ever know the sound of your heart like I did. People can listen to it from the outside in but I felt it from the inside out. You were the closest to me that can ever be. And then you lost your life.. I felt my body losing the energy that you needed to grow. I didnt know what was happening.. I felt like I lost something. I felt an enormous amount of grief within me but I couldn’t tell what it was. I could only cry.. so loud and so painful. I lost you and I knew it.

I am happy that we got to meet, even for this short amount of time. Having you around for the last couple of months is worth the pain of losing you. You did so much for us. We wouldn’t have be were we are now if it wasn’t for you. We wouldn’t have the courage to do what we are doing now, if it wasn’t for you. Thank you little man.. you are very special to us.

Your little hands, your little feet.. we could only imagine how your laugh or voice would have sound like. Thank you for changing our lives, you will forever have a special place in our hearts 🩡



Freedom is the most important ingredient of love. You need to be able to give the other person freedom. space. to live, to love and to learn. and in order to give the other person space you need to be able to give yourself space. Space to learn, grow and flourish. To make mistakes, to be everything but perfect. No one comes in a perfect form and we are shaped by the battles we face and the lessons we learn. If you are able to give yourself the freedom to fall and stand back up without beating yourself up, without shaming and blaming. You will be able to give this to another person and that is where a shot at true love begins 🀍

Honesty = recovery

Honesty was the biggest obstacle in my recovery and with me are many others. I was so ashamed of my choices, my life and myself that exposing even the littlest of my secrets felt like I was dying on the inside. It’s the mind that makes you believe that you absolutely cannot share everything because if you do then….. well, then what?? What is it we are so afraid of. Are we afraid of rejection or abonnement ? Judgement or failure? Is it not that our whole step 4, the written inventory of our lives, is full of these pains while we were not being ourselves completely. We never showed the real us, the full story, and still we were abandoned and rejected. Can we conclude that it didn’t work to show a so called best version of ourselves? That it only brought us misery? Every secret will give the mind (addiction) power and will stand between you and what you really want in life. And it is not even the content of the lie that gives the mind power, it’s the lie itself that has the power over you. It creates a falls sense of control while in reality you are being controlled by the lie.

It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it and you will experience that over and over and over again until you find the strength to come out of hiding and be who you truly are by being honest and open.


The big book of AA tells us that the only people who do not recover are those who cannot be completely honest. Let that not be one of you. Where ever you are on your road to recovery, believe this:

Freedom is possible and honesty = freedom. Ask for help if you need to because recovery also means we are never alone again.


It’s time to be yourself completely and utterly. The dark and the light, the good and the bad and everything in between 🀍🩡



There is this little light in you that is always there. Ever present , always shining. Sometimes it’s big, sometimes it’s tiny but it is always there. What if; when you are getting stuck in your head or strong emotions are almost overpowering  you but in that moment you succeed in turning to that little flame in yourself. You manage to keep seeing the light in yourself and hold on to it until the storm has passed. Imagine that.. imagine how powerful and safe you would feel.

But even if you do not always manage to keep the light close during the storm; only to know and trust that that light is always there, is complete freedom.

Keep reminding yourself to turn to the light. what ever is a happening, what ever you are going through. Good or bad. Pleasure or pain. Just keep reminding yourself to turn towards the light and one day you’ll realize there is no one to turn to the light anymore.. You are the light. 🀍



The depth of who you are, is the only thing that will silence the hunger for perfection. For completion. For nothing what you will find on the outside will ever make you feel more whole than what you will find on the inside. Make life and its worldly things, attributes to your completion but do not count on it for your completion. 🀍

I can’t do it


I can’t do it - it’s this convincing statement that has everybody in its grip. I can’t do it. What do you mean “ I can’t do it “ ? How do you know? The body can do almost anything , it will not suddenly drop dead. It’s the mind that says those things and what has the mind to do with anything you do? It’s literally only a narorrator. A voice in the head that has something to say about everything - and everything it says is based on past fears, trauma and worries about the future that hasn’t even happen yet. It’s the mind that wants to keep you small. It has all these pre fixed ideas about how things should be and look but in reality all those ideas are there to keep you away from the miracle that you truly are and the miracles that will happen in your life if you would only let go of control.


The truth is that only by doing something you will find out what you can or cant do and doing only exists in the here and now. You have an infinite wisdom and a tremendous amount of power in you, you just need to change source and stop living from the small egoic point of view where all these little plans and designs to protect yourself are created. In reality we are more in danger when we live dominated by the outside world and we are extremely powerful when we are being led by the force within.


Let go of control, don’t let the mind tell you what to do. Breath, tap in to the spiritual center and let yourself be guided from the inside, instead of being pushed by the outside. 🀍🩡



Love is the most pure and sacred thing there is. If you taint it by mental concepts, expectations and demands it will lose its power. Love is able to heal in ways you can’t imagine, love is there to turn to when everything is gone.  Love is the only real thing, everything else is temporary.


Whether it is with friends, a partner, family or children- choose love, over and over again. The Buddha has a teaching called “impermanence”. It means in times of trouble and turbulence between loved once, you imagine that that person is not going to be there for ever. That person may not even be there tomorrow. You simply don’t know but what you do know is that everything in this world is impermanent. Everything comes to an and eventually. So enjoy what is now, be grateful for what you have and love each other while you're here. Give someone else all the love you yourself ever desired. Be kind, be generous and be forgiving. I'll promise you, you get back what you give and remember: everyone does there best and everyone wants the same thing.

Love is always the answer.







Sometimes in life the unthinkable happens.. the hurt can feel like it’s too much, the pain can feel incredibly overwhelming but you have to remember this; you were made for these times. God will never give you what you can’t handle and all that you are given is because one thing and one thing only and that is to find freedom. We can find complete freedom in the unthinkable and unbearable pain of life and nothing happens without reason so please listen to this; what ever happens, never give up. Pull through, feel the hurt. Yell, cry or shout if you need to but never give up. Fall seven times, stand back up eight. You are stronger than you think and wiser than you know.


Hold on when life is tough on you, hold on to the people you love and ask for help if you need to. Don’t confuse strength with fighting. True Strength is when you give up the fight and you dare to feel, when you dare to be vulnerable and when you let people in. You are not alone and you need each other. Love will always conquer what ever pain is there, even if you don’t feel it in the midst of grief. Hold on. Hold on to love. Love will always win..🀍



There is a foundation within yourself that is so solid, so strong - ever lasting. You spend your whole life searching for stability, approval and safety in other people, in relationships, in work or in substances. Not knowing that the only thing that can satisfy this need is coming home to your own true being. The only thing you are looking for is that one thing that can never be found outside yourself. It’s you in the deepest layer of who you are. Beyond conditioning, Beyond mental noise and beyond personhood. Dare to leave the mind and its search for happiness behind. Dare to be You, the real You🀍

You can’t think it


The right choice is never the one you think it is. Because if we could mentally invision the divine path we have to walk, there would be no God. God is the direct opposite of the minds world.


The mind will never be able to picture the right thing to do and that’s okay. Let it run wild, let it think itself in to madness. It will only give you the evidence you need that living from the minds point of view is miserable, lonely and hopeless. It’s a place where hope doesn’t exist and where everything is doomed to fail.


The only thing you have to do to break free, is surrender in this moment and let go of the outcome. The right choice will come. You will be led in that way without effort, without pain. Suffering only arises when the mind tries to take control. Everything will happen as it’s suppose to happen. Let go, let God and you will learn through love instead of pain 🀍

β€œEmpty my mind”


There is no such thing as “clearing your mind“.  What we do with addiction / obsession etc is trying to clear the mind with the mind. Why would the mind want to empty itself ? It will then lose its power, so the mind would never allow you to “empty” it. The mind will make you go on and on and on with trying this and that and promises that somewhere (in the future, never now) it will work and you will feel better.

If you only try a little harder.

The mind will never be the place where you will liberate yourself. Liberation is found in connecting to the soul. It’s about letting the light over shadow the darkness. Feeding the light , starving the darkness.

Then The darkness will disappear 🀍🩡



Everyone deals with their pain differently. Don’t judge yourself or others about how they deal with their pain. It’s the easiest thing in the world to judge. Whenever you yourself are in that position again you realize how hard it is to deal with the inner world and mostly we need something from the outside to tame it. It’s a process which you can’t just change. You can do the best you can by trying to stay open and leave your eyes wide open with everything you’re doing. Stay honest with yourself and share as much as possible. That’s how you damage control. Keeping your eyes wide open lets the light in as much as it can and it will make sure you make the best possible growth. We are not looking for spiritual perfection but rather spiritual progress,  we get that by going to any length for our recovery and sometimes that is only taking a tiny little step for the whole day but that’s more then enough. Be kind to yourself and the rest will follow 🀍🩡


There is power in words

Words and thoughts are very powerful. You create your whole world around words. If you use critical and unkind feelings to fuel your words, you create a world were those things rule the day. If you use kind and loving words, that’s the world you will live in. Your world is not dominated by the outside, it’s a reflection from the inside.


Imagine yourself telling someone you love every morning ten things you love about that person. Or imagine telling that person 10 things you hate about him or her. Think about it ? How would you feel. What a difference that will make for both of you. It’s crazy if you stop to think about it and see how often we take everything we have for granted and use another person as a boxing ball just to release our own tention. Because if we look at were those words come from - it’s just energy moving around in your body that is converted in to words and you decide to put it in irritation or hate. You have a choice whether you put that energy in motion in to happiness, gratitude and love - or in hate, irritation and pride.


Don’t fool yourself telling yourself you are entitled to be annoyed, resentful or unkind. Ask yourself how you want to be treated and be humble enough to give that away before you demand it from another person. Work on the feelings on the inside and you will change your whole world on the outside 🀍🩡



I often think about all the things I have tried over the years to get my life in order. To break through the cycle of self destruction. To feel better. To find freedom. it was an endless battle and it makes me extremely grateful for the peace and freedom I live in today. This deep satisfaction that comes from within and which makes nothing els needed anymore. The seeking stops, the wanting stops. Everything is exactly ok as it is. It’s complete acceptance.. wholeness from within.

Then I realize that the only difference between now and all those other times  that I tried to find liberation was that this time I claimed total defeat. Complete and utter defeat. Which brought the beautiful gift of surrender. And Surrender was the beginning of freedom.
And that’s why we should never stop stop living step 1, 2 and 3. I am my own problem, nothing outside of me is. I am not my own solution, something greater than me is. And I can make that conscious decision, every day, to step in to that solution, let go and let God and be happy joyeus and free. Only to discover that I always was and have been my own light, i just needed to take a step back to give the light in me room to take over πŸ€





When life is tough on you; dont react. don’t fight, dont hide. Stay calm. Surrender to what is and give the light in you room to take over. Become so powerfully silent that the darkness has no other option than to leave you. You will feel an extreme peace coming over you, no matter what the situation, because you will realize in that moment that the fire inside you, burns brighter than the fire around you. The light will always be there for you to over power what ever darkness enters your life, it will always be there to turn to because that light; is you 🀍

Be the change


Don’t only want the change. Don’t only long for the change. Be the change.
wish for it, pray for it, work for it.
Do it as long as you need to and you will see, one day you are exactly what you always wanted to be. Everything you are longing for, you already are. You are honest, strong and passionate. You are everything you are dreaming of. The only thing that’s between you and what you want to be, is behavioral patterns and conditioned mind. It’s nothing personal and it is not you.  


Little by little and sometimes with a big bang, you are changing and becoming that whitch you are meant to be. That which you are underneath the pain, trauma and conditioning. You are becoming you and it’s absolutely beautiful. Hold on, stay true to yourself and miracles will happen  πŸ€



Self seekingness is the number one offender for resentment. Resentment is the number one cause of spiritual disease. Choose to see the good in people and you will be free.


Choose to see the good in people, no matter what. Every day you have the choice to let your day be colored by criticism and hurt or by positivity and insight. On a service level it may seem that people say or do certain things that hurt you or are against you, but if we look closer and deeper something else is going on. People don’t just say or do things. People are deeply hurt on the inside which makes them suffer and when people suffer it spills over and makes others suffer. The ego is always on the road to make someone else feel what it itself feels. It’s a cry for help. It doesn’t make it right and it definitely shouldn’t be accepted but looking deeply with concentration, calmness and insight will give you the opportunity to feel the hurt, to let it go and to forgive. To keep an open heart, to heal yourself and to give a way out to the other person. Because every time you manage to do this, you are not only freeing yourself from the bondage of self-  you also give the other person an opportunity to free him or herself. You offer a way out, a doorway to the deeper layer. The place where suffering doesn’t exist, where nothing has no be changed and where everything is exactly right as it is.


So next time something hurtful happens;

Let it strengthen you instead of weaken.

Let it make you softer, instead of harden you.

Let pain always be a tool to grow closer towards yourself. Let it be a guide to the deepest layer of who you are and you will see, you’ll grow stronger by the minute. Pain can be felt but it will not go any further then hurt in the heart. It will not turn in to thoughts or insecurities or hate. Things will no longer make you doubt yourself and you will be able to see things as they are instead of as they seem.

and here is the best news.. it’s all an inside job. Nothing from the outside is needed. You will free yourself from the inside out instead of from the outside in what we always tried to do. This is true freedom

Empty yourself out

when we feel restless, discontented or just not at peace, we usually go seek a solution on the outside. We toss and we turn, we seek and seek. We ask ourselves "What's wrong? Whats going on? What am I feeling? What I'm a doing? What can I do about?" 

Our intentions are good, we want to help ourselves but in reality we go further and further away from ourselves. The questions are mind made and wil only cause more mind clutter which was the problem to begin with. We can not find our solution in the place where the problem is created. 

The only thing we have to do is press pause. Dare to be with ourselves. Sit.. breath.. feel what ever need to be felt. Empty yourself out and dismantle the engine for the minds restlessness. It's not scary and it will not be too much or too Overwhelming. On the contrary, it will bring you harmony and rest while running away from ourselves will cause all the things we are afraid of. You simply need to come home to yourself and peace will be upon you quicker than you can imagine. 

press pause, feel, breath and let go 🀍

"Just don’t pick up that first drink

How many times have you heard someone say this at meetings. Don’t tell yourself this is the answer. The big book is really clear about that first drink. We, ourselves, have no effective mental defense against the first drink. We will ALWAYS pick up that first drink if we don’t get relieved from the spiritual malady. If not picking up the first drink is the solution, total abstinence would be enough. But we only have the physical aspect of the disease covert then. The spiritual malady drives the mental obsession like an engine driving a car. As long as the spiritual malady is intact, the mental obsession will sooner of later gets its full grip on you and will lead you to that first drink again. 


The solution for our addiction is to awaken spiritually to get a relieve from the malady and make the obsession lose its driving forse. Relieved from the malady, We will be able to rest in God and do not need our minds to rescue us from the world. We will be able to live freely and happy and our wills will be aligned with gods will. and then, and then only, we will be able to not pick up that first drink. 


Today, I will realize that I have no control over my addiction what so ever but that I do have the choice to make conscious contact with that which prevents me from drinking, which is my higher power. 🀍


Your choice

Who will you let your day run today? Is it the mind who will make you miserable and alone or will you live from the heart today and feel contented and connected. 

When we start recovery our mind rules our life and that means we live in a state of restlessness and discontentment. The mind always has to make movements to keep it self alive, that’s why It is in constant seeking mode. The mind will constantly give you one of the two messages; there is either something wrong or something missing. It are always these two signals and we project it on to people, places and things; Time and time again.  Same mind movements, different situations, Same outcome; misery!


The mind gives you a feeling of control and makes you think your strong, harsh and tough. It makes you think you are protecting yourself and that no one can hurt you. But in reality it’s the weakest position you can have. 

It’s so easy to focus on what’s missing, what’s wrong or what’s not good enough. The real strength is lying in living from the heart. Fearlessly and open. Let people in, give them what you yourself want to receive. Make them feel like they are worth something, make them feel seen and heard. 


Living from the heart, spirituality, has nothing to do with being nice but being authentically real. Be honest, tell the truth, be vulnerable. Be yourself. There is no point in faking it, you will only get back what you give, in one way or another. So give others what you need yourself and you will see how strong you become by being that which you yourself always needed. 🀍


I know


My words often said “I know” , “I got this” or something else what sounded very stubborn and indicated that my way was the best way. but what I really meant was “help me”. I was lost and the only thing I knew was fake it till you make it and just say as loud as possible that I know what I’m doing in the hope that someday I might will. But I didn’t, and most days felt like I was drowning. Fighting an endless battle. 


When there come people into your life who see through those words and stubborn ways, who see past the behavior and who want to see the real you; that’s a tremendous gift. They shine a light at you that you didn’t know was there. They give you the opportunity to meet yourself at another level. And then, one day, you will be able to look beyond your own behavior and words  and you start to forgive yourself realizing that you are not your behavior. We are not our words. Words are just spoken thoughts and reality is far beyond thought. Reality is what is, and not what we “think” what is. When you grasp that, the day will come that you realize that the light they shine at you is your own light reflecting back at you🀍

True love


You know what true love is? Accepting each other exactly as you are. Completely and fully, with everything there is. It’s amazing when someone looks at you and you just feel there is nothing they would change about you. Don’t ever settle for less than this. Love yourself enough to wait for that person and more importantly; become that person.
Become that person who can accept another for everything he or she is. Become that person that loves herself enough that she doesn’t need to change another to make herself feel better.

Become that person who, no matter what, sticks with herself. Through thick and thin. Stop judging yourself, stop wishing you were different. You are perfect as you are. Don’t ever leave yourself again, for nothing or no one. Put all of that energy you put in trying to change yourself, in accepting yourself. You are one of a kind and you should be proud of that. embrace everything you are, Good and bad. Darkness and light.

You have the choice , every second of every day, to focus on your strengths or dwell on your weaknesses. Focus all of your energy not in fighting the old way of living, but in building the new 🀍



Enjoy everything that comes your way. like waves going up and down, you can surf the flow of life.

Know that everything happens for a reason, there is a lesson in everyone and everything. If you approach every situation or relationship like this, the whole concept of abondenment and failure will disappear. Because you will understand that nothing is permanent and everything has its momentum and will change eventually. Don’t hold on to things that are suppose to leave you. Surrender. Life becomes so perfectly beautiful and so simple when you accept what comes and go’s. enjoy everything while it’s there. Live in the present moment and get curious and happy when it’s time to approach new things. Focus all of your energy, not on hanging on to the old, but on building the new 🀍

Feel it


When we feel something, wether it is old pain or pain in the present moment, we have two choices. We either feel it, share it and heal it- with this we empty ourself out and get back to a base line of peace and serenity. Or we push it away and create stuck energy that will work as an engine on the mind that will produce thoughts. It will give you a temporary (false) sense of relief from the pain but at the same time sets off a mechanism that needs to produce more and more thoughts to keep you away from the pain.  With this mechanism running at full speed, it will only be a matter of time till you get stuck in illusion.  When we are stuck in illusion we are believing in our own thoughts and perceptions and we are setting off the train towards destruction.

Spirituality is transcending the world of the mind, the world of illusion. We do not hide it and we do not fight it.  We are not trying to win or overcome anything. We simply transcend it. We do this by keeping our eyes wide open and learning to see trough the illusion. We will come to know where the mind has still power over us. We will come to know that even that power is illusion and the so called power it has over us, is the power of the unfelt feelings.

Feel your way to freedom 🀍

Ignorance (recovery talk)

Ignorance is the first link in the in total 10 links that build up an illusion. Ignorance means pretending something not to be there while it is or the other way around- pretending something to be there while it really isn’t. In the twelve steps we learn that this is called our “self will”. We create the world we want to see and live in, in order to avoid reality. Ignorance is a really hard one because you are not able to see this link yourself and you need other people to mirror you to see your ignorance. Also, ignorance is not seen if the other 9 links are built upon it. You have to work backwards trough all of the links to end up by the first link; ignorance. Somewhere down the line you ignored reality and around that choice a whole illusion is built.


The solution to this and simultaneously the hardest part of it - is listening to what other people have to say because all that they say that is not aligning with your built up

Illusion feels like an attack because for you they are threatening your world. It’s an illusory world but you don’t know that at that point. Surrendering to a higher power and listening to what other people have to say is the only thing that will help. This seems hopeless and a little bit depressing haha but in reality - it is not! It’s the best news you can get today. Because the believe that you can change yourself is the ignorant believe that made you run in circles your whole life. That stops today! And every day. if you make the decision every morning that you surrender to the solution of the program and let go of self will, your life will change in an instant.  and if you keep doing the work, the freedom will grow bigger and bigger and bigger, until freedom is your natural state 🀍🩡



The mind is always desiring something or resisting something. That means that when we are living from the minds point of view, there is always discontentment. You either want something or you resist something.
Don’t confuse the resistent or clinging mode with the object of clinging or resisting. It has nothing to do with the person/place/thing the mind is resisting or clinging on, its just the movement the mind makes and it doesn’t matter what it chooses.  It mostly chooses resisting against that which is a treat for the delusion the mind wants to live in. And it wants to cling on that which feeds the delusion.

It seems like a difficulte game to win, but it is not. The only thing we have to do, is stay here in the present moment. The ego does not survive in the here and now. Come back to the present moment by breathing consciously, in and out. Time and time again. Come back to your breathing. When we live in the present moment, there are no problems. Problems are always only in the past and in the future. Think about it, everything you worry about has either already happened or hasn’t happened yet. Here, there is nothing to worry about. and if we take good care of the present moment, we have nothing to worry about for the next moment 🀍

The next best thing


The mind keeps you imprisoned with promising you that the next thing will be the best thing. The next job, relationship or achievement will be the one that makes your life better.  But if you reflect back honestly about what all the obsessive achieving, getting and grabbing gave you, you Will come to the conclusion that it gave you a lot of pain and loneliness and at its best it gave you a temporary relieve from restlessness and discontentment but You always came back to that same point. the same emptiness and the same feeling of “not enough”. 


This is a clear indication that you are looking for liberation in the wrong place. You are looking for the solution within the mind that created the problem. 

There is a tremendous amount of freedom to gain if you dare to stop looking outside of yourself - go inward. Dive deep. Who are you? Who are you beyond the mind and the labels and conditioning. Who are you at this very moment? without your past and future, because the only one who is holding your past against you and your future as a means to happiness, is your mind. 

Freedom is found when you begin to understand that the mind is not who you are. You are not the thoughts in your head, you are the one hearing them. πŸ€

Take care of yourself first


You can’t help other people or be there for your loved ones if you don’t take care of yourself first. When you’re tired, rest. When you’re agitated, see where you let someone cross your boundary. When angry, take care of your inner child that wants to be heard. You and you alone are responsible for how you feel and what you need. Go inside, be with yourself first. You deserve to be loved and heard but you have to love and hear yourself first. See what’s going on inside, speak out, ask for help. You don’t have to do it alone. This is what taking responsibility over your life means. We take care of our inner world so that it doesn’t mess up our outer world. 🀍

Do the work


When you are feeling resistance, struggling to get the work done and see yourself acting out old behaviors. Procrastination, complaining, blaming, people pleasing. Ask yourself, is it worth it? Is it worth to run from this moment so that you don’t have to deal with what is. What is will remain, even if you run from it. The only thing you are doing is wasting another day of your precious life. 

Imagine the dreams you have.. for the future, for tomorrow, for now. Whether it is being a mother or having your own business or being a teacher or a nurse. Picture it and ask yourself is this what I’m doing now getting me closer to my dreams? Your dreams and all that you want are closer than you think. The solution is right here, right now. Press pause. Surrender. 

To work towards your dreams doesn’t require massive action or radical changes. on the contrary.. it requires rest. Pause. Be still. Do the foot work and let the universe handle the rest. You are worth it🀍





When you feel disconnected and the mind takes over. You have to press pause. Re-connecting to yourself is only possible in the present moment. The best thing that all spiritual teachers have thought me is that the mind will always make you believe that re-connecting, resting, finding peace, being happy etc is always in the future. Which never comes because it doesn’t exist. When the mind takes over and we are disconnected, we try to find ourselves in others, in substances, in work etc. Seeking, wanting, grabbing. Looking for gratification. A sense of release. Looking for completion. Sometimes it works, for a little while. Until that person, work or substance doesn’t act according to my needs and wants….. o boy. 

The only release you are looking for is the connection to your soul. That’s the only completion there is. Connecting to the true nature of who you really are, That’s were all the seeking ends. You will feel whole. You are home. πŸ€


Let go

When difficult situations arise, make yourself aware that you are not in control. You don’t have  to fix anything or figure out everything. 

The harder you try to be in control the more fearful you become and the struggle will only be bigger.

The only thing you have to do is become still. have faith, let go and let yourself be guided. That does not mean you become irresponsible or don’t care any longer. it simply means  you stop living in the past and future with worries and what if’s. You Stop reacting to things that do not even exist; fears and worries are products of the mind that do not exist in the reality of the here and now. Instead you live day by day. Moment to moment. You decide what needs to be decided, you act when action is required. Other than that, you remain silent. Don’t react and don’t use too many words. Find the silence in yourself in de midst of all that is happening and your life will change dramatically 🀍

Be yourself


Be vulnerable, speak your truth, say what you mean and mean what you say. Its not always easy to say what’s going on inside you and tell someone what you need and want, but its the only way to let someone in and to give someone a fair shot at being with you. The real you. Not the person you would like to be or think you need to be. it’s also the only way to be happy and free. Don’t leave yourself for anything or anyone, the right people will stay and love you the way you need to be loved.

Stay true to yourself and all else will fall into place 🀍

You got this


Believe me when I say, you got this.
You got this. You can do this.
All the things you want, you desire, you need; you got this. The only thing you have to do is believe in yourself. Believe in yourself so strong that others can not help but believe in you too.

You came all this way, you fought your way trough everything.
you are overcoming trauma, fear and self doubt. 
You were underestimated by yourself and others but you are here now, further than you could ever imagined and nothing is holding you back to accomplish everything you want. 

The only thing that’s in your way is your mind, who is telling you the direct opposite of what’s true. That’s the only thing you need to know. Don’t listen, don’t care.
Breath.. go inward.
There is a force hidden inside of you that is so strong, so powerful. Tap in to it.
Tap in to it and connect. Connect to that part of yourself that is connected to the whole universe. Keep doing this over and over again, this way the mind will lose its power and your main source of energy will come from your higher power. The wisdom within will start working for you and self doubt, fear and worry will disappear. These are all products of the mind and will disappear as soon as you stop feeding it and you stop feeding it by choosing God everytime the mind starts taking over.

Turn to the source within, believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable 🀍



You know what it is? All of the answers you are looking for are already inside yourself. There is nothing to do, nothing to attain, obtain or get. It is a matter of becoming still and learning to listen to the voice within and let yourself be guided from the inside out. Stop listening to other people’s opinions or so called good advice. Stop listening to the mind and its judgmental attitude. Other people and their experience are a great value on your path but only to direct you to that place inside yourself where your compass is leading you. We are so afraid to trust ourselves but it is the mind who cannot be trusted, we ourselves are intuitive beings who are guided at all times.

When we learn to connect with that deeper part of ourselves where our intuition is guiding us, trust is a natural result. Trust in ourselves, trust in others and trust in life itself. Because we are no longer depending on others to make us feel good or save us.

We can take care of ourselves and make our own decisions and we do that with the love and guidance of other people’s experience but we are not becoming like one of them or try to live the same life. We are becoming our own true authentic self and with that peace and happiness is a natural result. We are not trying to be something or someone anymore, we stop fighting. We embrace who we truly are. 

Life is not a matter of becoming someone or something but rather unbecoming all that you are not 🀍



There is no way I can describe the freedom I experience inside. It’s not even what I feel. It is what I am. Complete freedom from head to toe and even beyond that. No limitation, no sense of time, no pre fixed sense of identity. Just being.


There is no worry about what people think. There is no thought about who or what I am, what I have to be or what I have to do.

I am here to play the roll that is assigned to me. There is nothing to worry about. With Everything that happens there is a complete acceptance of what is. It is what it is. That doesn’t mean you are passive. Not at all, you act when needed but you don’t think about it. You act intuitively and with extreme confidence and determination because there is no doubt. Only trust. There are no coincidences in Gods world. There are no mistakes. Everything that happens, happens for the purpose of your freedom.


Complete peace is the results of this ultimate surrender. Nothing and no one can ever come between you and this peace because this peace is who you are. De emotions and feelings you experience are just a result of being human but underneath that human experience you can always feel your true nature which is peace.. freedom.. happiness. 🀍🩡

Old ideas


"Some of us tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil” BB Alcoholic Anonymous 


We have to be willing to let go of our way. We have to realize that our way is not the way to freedom but rather the way back to were we came from. It’s not easy to let go, it’s terrifying and uncomfortable. But if we do not get willing, nothing will change. Sometimes our will seems so powerful and it feels like we are a 100% right. But in reality it is the ego trying to get you back in your old shape again. How ever difficult it is, let go of self will, and just trust. Trust the people who have walked this path before you. Trust your higher power. Trust the book were it is al laid out in such simple manner. We do not have to do anything else than the book says. Keep it simple.. trust is the key to success.


Today, I will trust my higher power. I will trust that by letting go of self will and self centeredness, a new life and a new way of freedom will be the sure result I get 🀍



It’s all about love. We all crave for love. Self love, love from our parents, friends, our partner. 
Why is it then so hard to give or accept love?


We say resentment is the number one offender of the spiritual life. It closes down the heart. The heart is the center of our world, where the divine and humanity come together. Where love is received and where love is given. When the heart closes down, the mind will take over and the dark colored glasses of the past will take over. We will live life from a point of fear instead of love. When we live life from a point of fear, everything is set towards destruction. nothing will survive under the relentless grip of fear. Fear is disguised in many forms; anger, irritation, restlessness, discontentment with everything that is and extremely unkind and fearfull words and thoughts.


Resentment is the outcome of this. But it starts way earlier down the line. Where did your heart close off? Where did you decided you didnt want to get hurt again and allowed your heart to shut down? Everything that happened after that is a result of you closing down on love. You lost faith and by losing faith you automatically chose fear.


Dare to go inside - feel the blockage. Open your heart. Be honest, open and willing and your life will turn around in an instant. Life is too short to live in pain and love is the answer, always. 🀍🩡


Learning to live without holding on is the toughest thing you will ever do. It’s also the most freeing thing you will ever learn. No attachment and no desire to what ever life has to offer. You can enjoy everything that comes your way but you don’t cling to it. You don’t depend on it. You let go whenever the time has come to let go. Without regret and without doubt, you experience and you let go. We never question reality and we don’t rewrite stories. Everything is exactly as it needs to be and even in the subtlest thing there is a lesson to learn. It’s your willingness to see this that determines your growth. Don’t ever think things should be different than they are. Everything is exactly as it needs to be and your willingness to accept that is the amount of growth you will make everyday. Resisting reality will only slow down the lessons you have to learn and will make them come back in different shapes, forms and colors but it’s always the same lesson. Dare to see it and dare to live life as it comes instead of trying to change it. Let go of what it looks like on the outside and live from that place inside yourself where humanity meets the divine. Where fear and control do not exist and where freedom is your natural state. Don’t try to prove yourself to anyone or anything. Know in your heart that you come from a place of love, honesty and purity and you will live a life of freedom 🀍🩡



Be grateful for whatever happens in your life. Even the painful stuff.. the heartbreaks, the losses, the hurt. Be grateful because you never know what it prevented you from. You don’t know what the universe protected you from or where it is redirecting you to. You simply don’t know and you don’t have to know. Maturing spirtually is about not needing answers for everything, being ok with not knowing. Its about understanding that Answers wouldn’t liberate you and knowledge is just mind clutter that will not get you anywhere. Its the wisdom from within that drives you to the places you need to go, without words, without explanation. let go of wanting to know; Listen to your inner teacher, let yourself be guided and be grateful for whatever comes your way. This is freedom 🀍

The problem

Many of us lived in “the problem” for most of our lives. Claiming we were desperate and at the end of our ropes we entered twelve step programs or something else that could help us. But I remember when the solution was presented to me, the gift of desperation seemed to have left me and I was back in my old ways quit soon. Choosing the solution and working on it every day is a challenge. We become “too busy” or “too tired” to work the steps. It’s fear of the unknown that makes us resist living in the solution. Letting go of what was and trusting what will come. Because even tho there is peace and freedom on the other side, it’s still unknown and unpredictable and that seems to scare us.


we have all these ideas of what our life should look like and we chase it over and over again, not realizing that our life is now. Only now.

The solution to our problem is now , our life is now. Not tomorrow or when I “feel like it”. I don’t have to feel “good” to do the work. If I want better I will chose better. Now.

If I take good care of the present moment, I have nothing to worry about for the next moment. 🀍



This burning sensation in the heart, this uncomfortable feeling that you would normally run away from, this is your doorway to the deeper layer inside yourself. It may hurt and it maybe sucks but it means you are able to love someone deeply and if you are able to love someone deeply, you are able to love yourself deeply. In times of separation or struggle, you have two choices; Either you turn outwards and you self destructively search for comfort and ease or you turn inwards and go to the place where there is the only real safety and comfort you are looking for. You.


The key is self love. Give yourself the love you so desperately want from the other person. The deeper layer inside is obscured by pain and fear. loving yourself in times of pain and discomfort is the secret of healing your way into the spiritual center, where you are free of suffering and where love is the only real thing 🀍


Thank you

If you don’t know what loss is, you don’t know what love is. If you don’t know what pain is, you don’t know what pleasure is. Pain is a part of life and running from it makes it only harder and more painful. In order to turn your pain in to power, you have to face it first - Feel it and release it.

Try saying thank you to the people that hurt you, the people that made your life hard and challenged your whole being. Say thank you because that is what made you stronger. That is what made you the fighter you are today. If I didn’t go through hell and back I wouldn’t now how to be this way now and never back down. Fighting, pulling through and not backing down have nothing to do with other people. It is and always will be only about the courage to face yourself. That is the only real battle there is. Everything else is merely a temporary distraction. You can put people, events, places and things between you and yourself but there will always be a time that you have to confront that which you are running from. Real fighting and real courage lies in facing yourself.


So I want to say thank you to every scar in my body, mind and soul -  no matter how they came there. If it was done by other people or by myself. In the end you will see that everyone is a beautiful being and we are all trying to make our way through life the best we can. I say thank you because it made me exactly who I am today and I wouldn’t change one bit of it. I love others for who they are and I love me for who I am and there is nothing in this world that will ever change that. 🀍🩡

Love unconditionally

I made the decision deep down to love unconditionally. That means, even if I get hurt - I won’t hurt back. I got my values and my moral to live by and not anyone els’s behaviour can change that. I learned it the hard way. I was a puppet who reacted to everything that was done to me. If I felt lonely, I blamed you and looked for other company. If you lied to me, I justified myself to lie as well. Not knowing that I was lying and hurting just because I was lying and hurting on the inside. In the end it had nothing to do with the other person. I was just telling myself that and justifying what I was doing because it didn’t made any sense. i didn’t want to hurt other people, why was I doing it then? To avoid Facing myself- my fears, feelings and desires.
By doing the work it all changed, It gave me the oppurtinity to face what was going on on the inside. The courage to share that with people I trusted and it cracked the whole downwards spiral into a million pieces. This gave me the opportunity to choose my actions. I am no longer controlled by what other people are doing to me. I am no longer reacting to what is done to me. everyday I make a decision - I love unconditionally. Myself and others. With every fear, feeling and desire that is there. Its all part of the package and I embrace it all. Good and bad, Darkness and light - This is freedom. 🀍🩡

Be somebody - be nothing

I always thought I had to be somebody or do something to keep people in my life. I had to be the perfect friend or the perfect girl friend or what ever the situation was asking of me - I had to be perfect - so that I wouldn’t be abandoned, rejected or left alone.

The only one who was truly abandoning and rejecting me, was me. What I was longing for was my own attention, my own love and my own accountability. I wasn’t longing for some one to always be there, I was longing for myself to always be there. I constantly lost the connection with myself and in a response to that I looked for myself in everything outside of myself. And guess what? I was no where to be found. 
When I had the courage to face the feelings that were underneath the seeking, I finally found what I was searching for all my life. Me!


I learned to give myself what ever I thought I wanted from others, and that way I learned to trust that who ever wants to be in my life, will be there. Everything that belongs to me will be there and will make its appearance as long as I live in faith instead of fear.

People don’t leave you for being yourself and if they do than they never belonged in your life in the first place. You should never have to work hard to show your worth to keep people in your life. The right people will know your worth, feel your worth and reflect it back when you forgot about it yourself. Be yourself and the right people and things will fall in to place. 🀍🩡

Give love


Love like it is the last day you see each other. Treat everyday and every moment like it is the last. Because you know what? It can be. You never know what happens, tomorrow isn’t promised and yesterday will never come back. Look at how your world changes when you value what you have, right here right now. It’s so easy to look at what we don’t have or what’s not good enough. Judgement and expectations rule the day. The real strength is lying in appreciation and gratitude but why is it so hard for people to do that? It’s because it makes you vurnarable and open. It makes you realize what you have and you get open to the fact that you might lose it. It’s all about fear. All character defects - demanding, criticism, judgement - it’s all fear. if we would value what we have we are opening ourselves up to the world, to the other person and to the fact that we love someone or something and that we don’t want to lose it. That’s the most vulnerable position you can have. At least, if you believe what the mind is saying. In reality it’s the strongest position you have. To be right here, right now. To know what you have, to know what you want and be honest about it. If we push away feelings, they have power over us. If we act out of fear and let our character defects rule our life - what we do, say and want are not aligning with each other which creates confusion and disharmony. It also makes sure that you do not get what you really want and need.


We all deserve to love and be loved. We all deserve to be seen, heard and cared for. And it all starts with seeing and hearing ourselves. What is it you really really really want ? Listen to you inner world and be honest and open about it. Dare to speak your truth. Speak your feelings and show what you need and it will all come your way. See yourself first and you will be seen by the world 🀍


Every thought has its origin. It comes from somewhere. It’s a reaction to a feeling inside. We have automatic thoughts and created thoughts but even the automatic thoughts are evoked by an energy which we mostly call “feeling”. 


Nothing comes from nowhere and your thoughts and the words you speak, should direct you to what is happening on the inside. Not the content of your thoughts, thoughts are useless if you dive in to them. But what is the energy behind the thoughts ? Is it jealousy , resentment , condemnation or has it a critical undertone? This will point you towards what ever thing you have to work out for yourself 


If we take it another level deeper - there is only one substance in this world and that is love. Under all layers and wrappings, there is love. So when someone makes a mean comment or you notice certain thoughts inside your mind , remember this; there is the word itself , there is the feeling underneath the word which point to where you or that other person is stuck and then there is the source of the word, the person and the feeling - and that is love. 


You choose what you focus on. It’s literally your choice every single second of the day- love or hostility. Love or criticism. Love or separation. do you focus on the solid foundation and the beautiful core of someone or do you focus on the temporary form someone takes. If you chose to see the good in others, you will grow to see the good in you. If you see the good in you, everyone else will too. Love for yourself and love for others- This is where true freedom starts 🀍🩡




isn't it madness that we expect other people to behave a certain way while we ourselves are not able to do so? Isn't it madness that we focus on how other people should handle a certain situation, grief a certain way, act a certain way, react a certain way- while we ourselves have no idea what we're doing?

The picture we paint about how others should behave is merely the way we want ourselves to behave. We would love to react to people with dignity, respect and compassion. To not lose ourselves in emotions and to always be "in control", but that is simply not reality. Freedom is not about being perfect. It is complete and utter acceptance of who you are exactly at this moment. Including emotions, reactions and certain behaviors. Acceptance of where you are will make every amount of suffering drop away in an instant. That's why freedom is always found in the here and now and why it is ALWAYS there. It has nothing to do with how far you are on your journey or how much trauma you have dealt with. It is and will always be only about the amount of acceptance of what is. Acceptance of yourself exactly as you are, here and now. Acceptance of your life and the whole package you live in. If there is no resistance, there is no movement of the mind. If there is no movement of the mind, there is no past or future. If there is no past and future there is no "me" to complain about "myself", "my pain" or "my life". Or what the "me" likes even better is complaining about "you" πŸ˜‚. 

if we completely accept ourselves as we are, we will be able to accept other people exactly as they are and we will focus on what we can give ourselves and what we can give them instead of the other way around. We start to think about how we can care and love our loved ones instead of how they should threat us. Love will come back automatically when you start giving it away without rules, expectations and demands. You will see that the people around you love you more than you think and that the more that you accept yourself, the more you can appriciate the way they love you.

Acceptance is freedom - it's your choice to be🀍🩡


If you sit still. Breath. Pause. Notice what is happening. Notice the movement of the mind to try to “find” something. Distract itself with this or that. It wants to search and find, search and find, search and find. The mind is a seeker. This simple observation of yourself shows you how all distaster is created. All trouble in your world stems from your mind who has the natural tendency to search for something and you yourself think it’s because something is to be find. You literally give yourself the feeling that somewhere out there is an answer to what ever it is you want to find. it comes down to this; you search for yourself in everything. The more powerful the seeker is searching for an answer the more you lost the connection to yourself and the more obsessive you search. But there is nothing to find! It’s a ghost hunt every time you let the mind seek, you will hurt yourself or another. Every answer you are looking for, every thing that you ever searched for is literally on the other side of the seeker. It’s you, the real you. All the answers you are looking for are inside you and not any where else. The mind goes in every direction except for the right one —> inside! The only way out is in 🀍🩡

I will stick with me

Faith, trust, union.. love.. 


All words that weren’t in my vocabulary in the past. There was no trust no faith and there for no real love. Fear and love cannot co-exist. You chose either the one or the other.

I chose recovery because I loved my son so much that I wanted him to have a good life and most of al a safe place that I never had myself. But After I experienced an enormous amount of pain that was done to me and my children I chose recovery for myself. Something in me made the decision to love myself unconditionally and to never lose sight of myself again. What ever storms may pass, what ever obstacles will come- I will stick with me. That was the first movement of unconditional love i experienced in my life.

The second one was when someone came in to my life where I, from the first instant, experienced the same trusting and deep feeling that I had experienced with myself a few years earlier. I took a leap of faith and went against all I believed was true. There was no fear and no doubt, only trust. And now that unconditional love and that eternal feeling of trust are the foundation of our life. we come from union instead of separation. And no seemingly storm is really worth the doubt because we know that all that is thrown at us can never break the bound that is created in union and unconditional love and is blessed by God. Nothing that is unreal can threaten wat is real. Believe that and the mind will never overpower you again 

 Faith, trust and love 🀍🩡




One fact

There is one fact in this world that can never change and that is that all what you experience is an experience on the inside.  Everything you feel or think is inside you. It can be evoked by others, it can be triggered by others but it is experienced by you. This is a blessing because this means that as long as you are not afraid of your inner world - you are completely free of the actions of others.


When someone or something triggers you, you can decide to walk away and not meet that person again. But you can also face the feeling that arises. Whether it is fear, hate, love or sexual feelings - it is all energy. The moment it arises, turn towards it and accept the feeling exactly as it comes. It will be released right then, right there. Emotions are energy in motion and the only thing it wants is to be released. If we push it away or we cling to it, it will get stuck and it will have power over us. If we are afraid of our own inner world anything and everything has power over you. The only thing your inner world needs is your attention. The moment you give attention to your feelings and sensations, it will be released and that is the only thing that is needed but the ego uses shame and guilt to make you run away from what is happening inside. Like you are not suppose to feel or think certain stuff. The truth is, you can’t help what you’re feeling and you should accept yourself completely with every feeling and every condition you’re in. Acceptance of yourself is the only way out of the mental prison that is constantly surrounding you.  You are okay exactly as you are. your feelings are okay exactly how they are. It’s what we do with them that makes the difference. 🀍🩡

Taking care

After a while you understand the importance of taking care of the people around you. Your own wants and needs aren’t that important anymore. You understand that being good to the people around you and taking care of them are the same as taking care of yourself. Love is only one stream - when you give it you get it and when you get it you give it. It only becomes unhealthy when you are trying to fix yourself trough other people. Then you are seeking yourself in someone else or in a relationship and the result is the opposite- you will lose yourself. This happens when there is no self esteem and no self love and this is a results of not being connected to the source of life but instead living life from the egoic point of view. Doing the inner work makes sure your inside gets as pure as it gets and all your actions and results will show that. You will never have to convince anyone of anything because they will feel it. Including yourself. The days of proving yourself so tirelessly are over.  You are good as you are and self love will come so naturally that there is no other option than to give it away.


Stick to the golden rule - treat others how you want to be treated yourself. Don’t get lost in desires and needs. There is so much more to life than what we think we want 🀍🩡


Free of hurt

Being free of the experience of hurt


There wasn’t s lot of love in our family. it was being mad at or being ignored. it was a constant battle to be seen, heard or loved. I know now that it is so much more than that. The moment I think that something so bizar is happening- that someone is behaving the direct opposite of what I am longing at that point - is the exact moment that what needs to happen happens. Don’t stare yourself blind on what is happening on the outside, the outside has nothing to do with it. Don’t hang yourself, your life or your feelings up on someone els. let what is happening on the outside, push you inwards as much as possible. The more someone is hurting you (as the mind will call it) the more that person is helping you to reach the absolute bottom of your own being. And guess what? That’s where true freedom is.


Cut yourself loose of all the ties you have on the outside. Let people have their ignorant, mean or judgemental behaviour. They hurt themselves more than they hurt you. Let the longing for love push you inwards to the place where only true love exists- in your own heart. And paradoxical enough that’s the place where all guilt and resentment towards other people will disappear completely and only love will be left. Love for others and love for yourself. you are free the moment you, not only KNOW but also experience that what ever someone is doing : No one is hurting you, no one is abandoning you - you just couldn’t see it yet.



Honesty is essential



Honesty is the most important ingredient of recovery, of life and of love.

Without honesty you have nothing to build on. You can only built on reality and reality is seen trough honesty. dishonesty is the foundation of every illusion. In the illusion we are self seeking and self centred. We think everything is about us and feels like an attack or an insult and we do all kinds of things to set this straight or retaliate. If you catch yourself doing this- think about where it started? What was the moment the first link of the illusion was created. Where did we made a decision based on ego to be in this position now. You can only set it straight and come back to reality again when you see the beginning of it all. This is according to the big book the way to stay awake.


Prause pause, ask for direction and you will be shown the exact nature of what is happening and then the footwork will be laid out again in a clear and simple matter. This is the path of peace which is easy to follow when you have hope faith and a whole lot of courage 🀍🩡



Yesterdays solution

The spiritual life is not a theory, we have to live it”


Don’t live on yesterday’s solution. Today is a new day- today you have to step into the solution again and ask for direction for this moment. Let go of what happened yesterday, let go of yesterday’s knowledge as the mind will only use it against you. Trust that everything you learn will be inter grated as long as you let go and you trust. Yesterdays words and solutions are todays weapons of the ego. Let go and be open for a new day, a new experience, a new world. 


Everyday is a chance to be in perfect union, body mind and soul. The more you are united with the divine within the more peace, rest and utter happiness you will experience. You will feel self love and confidence because Your actions will be aligned with your words and your words will come from a place of love. This is true strength and courage and it’s only one decision away. Chose the solution, chose honesty, chose the real you. 


Trust, breath, let go and LOVE 🀍🩡

Withholding love

withholding love


Years ago my strategy was to withhold love. Withhold it until im sure you like me enough that I can give back little bits and pieces of this same love. The same love I am craving for from the other person I kept within a closed heart and opened up only when I felt safe enough to do so. And by this I created a false sense of control. But not only did I create a false sense of control, I also created a literal distance between myself and that which I loved. I created what I feared the most, the sense that I was losing that which i wanted the most. Because of this arm length distance no one is able to come as close as your heart needs it. You will resent people for this while in reality you are the one keeping everyone at arms length waiting till they have proven themselves to be worthy of your love. It’s a painful and tiring process.

What if we just break the walls down and give away exactly that what we want the most? Love, closeness, safety. And this has nothing to do with being together or reassuring each other all the time. It’s about the stream of love that flows trough the heart that beats 24/7.  It’s about daring to open your heart instead of shutting it down when things don’t go as we planned. It gives a real sense of safety and security when someone shows you their unconditional love. Maybe you can’t promise each other for ever but in this moment you can give forever. Do that each moment ,again and again and you will experience the most pure form of love- without fear, without attachment and without demand.. just Free, safe and warm love. 🀍🩡

Reactie plaatsen


4 maanden geleden


4 maanden geleden

Zo ontzettend inspirerend. Ben je ontzettend dankbaar πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

5 maanden geleden

Zo mooi. Dankbaar πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’—

7 maanden geleden

Liefde is alles πŸ’›

8 maanden geleden

Blij met jullie reacties !🀍🩡

9 maanden geleden

Wat ben je een krachtige vrouw. Ik leef met je mee β™₯️

9 maanden geleden

Veel liefde en kracht πŸ™β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

9 maanden geleden


9 maanden geleden

Love will always win🀍🌼

9 maanden geleden
