Your mind always prevents you from seeing things as they are. It creates stories and blurs out certain things so that you only see what the mind wants you to see. It does so that it can keep the story you tell about yourself (to yourself) can stay intact. This story is based on your past and future. Your mind is constantly projecting your past on to the future and that is what you perceive in the present moment. In twelve step language this is what we dismantle with step 4. We look at how you perceive things now, through the eyes of the past, in order to prevent things in the future - So you think of course but in reality the only thing you are doing is creating the things from the past again and again and again.
Reality will be the only thing that can free you from this vicious cycle but don’t expect the mind to get you there. The first step is to acknowledge that how you perceive things is not reality, that what you see is not ultimate truth. You basically admit to yourself in any situation: I don’t know anything for sure.
The second step is to be open to other perceptions. What could be other options, other views, listen to others and what they have to say. Be open.
The thirth step is to let go, ask for help and let the universe guide you to wherever you need to go. This will ultimately lead you to where you need to be. To what you need to know and to what you need to do.
This guidance comes from within. It’s the God conscious within. It’s your gut feeling, your intuitive sense.
This sense does not talk as the mind does. It doenst over explain like the mind and it doenst try to convince you about anything. It’s a feeling that doesn’t have clear answers or words or instructions. The only thing you know when you feel it, is that you need to listen to It and that you need to act on it. And you should. Never ever doubt your gut. In time, when you start listening more and more to this intuitive sense, it will become clearer and easier to understand but nonetheless always listen to it. Even if you are not sure why or what is happening. In my own experience my gut feeling was ignored for so long and explained away by the mind. When my intuition told me that things were off, my mind always tried to convince me otherwise. it made me believe I was crazy or I was the problem and it prevented me from seeing what was truly happening.
Starting to listen to yourself and following your intuition is a really big part in maturing on the spiritual path. Even if things turn out to be different than you thought, that’s ok! Its not about being right or having all the answers. Its about never letting yourself down again, its about being there for yourself. don’t leave yourself to fit in anyone else’s picture. Let yourself be guided from the inside out and your light will start to shine brighter and brighter. the right things and people will fall into place without struggle and without force. this is where freedom lies, not in a life without pain or difficulties. But in a life where you know you will always be there for yourself and that you will be guided and cared for in what ever you do. And that you will be Ok.. no matter what. This is freedom.🤍🩵
Lina Rosa
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