when turbulence happens in your life (and it will because.. well, life is life), you have to go back to the center. Taking refuge in yourself as Zen master Thich Nhat Han would say. The usual response of human beings is to take refuge in something or someone but you will never find what you are searching for in someone else. you have to go back to your centre first, find peace and inner acceptance, before you ask someone for help or comfort. This way you take care of your own feelings first and because of that, the help of someone else will always be good enough. If you do not take care of yourself first you are expecting the the other person to take away your pain or worries and no one is able to do that. By expecting a certain result you almost always come in collision with something or someone. No one is going to behave the way you want to and nothing or no one can take your pain away. you can, how ever, share your pain and be in it together. Without wanting to fix anything or change the way things are.
Things are as they are and your acceptance or resistance of it will create your experience. By accepting it you are in harmony with what is and you will be able to be in the moment and you will feel what ever needs to be felt. You will connect to that which is around you and hard times will be transformative and a powerful way to connect deeper with love than you ever did before. By resisting your situation and reality you create distance with everything and everyone around you. The mind sees this as self protection but of course this is self destruction. You need connection and love to go trough life and its turbulence and the first step towards this is acceptance of this moment exactly as it is.
Love yourself enough - Be kind towards yourself. Take care of yourself. Be there for your inner world and the outer world will than in turn take care of itself.
Lina Rosa
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