
Gepubliceerd op 5 juli 2024 om 15:21

Hope is a four letter word that contains the whole universe. Hope is that what keeps you going. Hope is where faith lies, where trust is and where courage is born.


When I look in to my man’s eyes, I can see my own hope reflected back at me. His trust in me is so big and so real that I only need one look of him to remind me of my own strength. He held for me my hope, my strength and my faith when I couldn’t do it myself and when I was ready to receive it back, he was there to give it back to me.


I never lost hope and I never stopped having faith, it is always there but when we undergo immense transformation, which is possible when life knocks us down with relentless pain, we need to be willing to let go of everything we think we know and make that free fall. Let yourself fall. Give up everything you know and let go. Surrender to what is and accept completely and fully what comes your way. Don’t fight, don't run, don’t hide. Surrender and keep breathing.

Pain can be terrifying and overwhelming and change can feel like we lose everything we know. But that's the whole point. Transformation only happens when we dare to let go. Trust the process and remember; There are no coincidences in Gods world. Everything that happens is there to bring you closer to the light than you have ever been before. You will always come out stronger on the other end.

Stronger, wiser and so much lighter.

Little by little and sometimes with an enormous big BANG, you become the brightest light in the universe and one day you’ll realize; you don’t have a light, you are the light 🤍🩵



i wrote this after the loss of our son on June 28 2024 🩵 rest in peace little man

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