Follow Your Heart

Gepubliceerd op 24 mei 2024 om 08:57

Follow your heart. Do what you love and love what you do.



You need to dive deep within yourself and connect to that part inside yourself where your life purpose awaits for you. There is no wrong way if you follow this path. 


When I started this journey I had no idea I would end up helping so many woman. I tried to make my way in business but somehow always ended up helping and inspiring others to believe in themselves and get the most out of their lives. I always had this deep seeded need to help and grow people. The only difference now and back then, is that I myself realize that there is nothing to “gain” or nothing to win that can make you happier or more complete. The only thing that can satisfy this need that we have to become something, is unbecoming all that we thought we were. Layer after layer we shed off and we return to our most natural selves. The deep “I” within. The strong, solid, ever lasting part of ourselves that is unchangeable and unshakable. That part of ourselves where we feel whole, complete and naturally happy. 

Once you tap into that part of yourself you realize that that is truly the only thing you need and when you have found this inner light there is no other option than to share it with others 🤍


Lina Rosa



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