Not alone - Recovery Talk

Gepubliceerd op 24 mei 2024 om 08:58

You are not alone. Thats all I needed to here. You are not alone. That’s where recovery began

When I first stepped in to the rooms of the 12 Step recovery programs and I was told that I didn’t have to fight this battle alone anymore, something in me just broke. For one moment, It torn down all the walls I had built and all the judgements I had about others and the whole world in general. For one moment everything I thought was true, disappeared. You are not alone. A massive feeling of connectedness and clarity took over and for that moment I knew I was exactly at the right place at the right time. Everything made sense for the first time in my life. 


Of course the walls came back up and judgement was my second nature again but I never forgot that first moment, that moment of true connection. For the first time It was “us against the world” instead of only me against the world. Recollecting that moment helped me trough the first stages of recovery because addiction has one massive tool to drag you in and that is isolating. It does everything to get you alone and to separate you from the other person. It will drag you in with subtle ideas and statements about others and the world and little by little it isolates you until it gets its full grip on you again. 


So what ever it is your doing, what ever you feel or what ever you are thinking - promise yourself this: stay connected. No mather what. 

We are all here fighting the same battle, having the same fears and going trough the same pain. Let’s also have the same laughs and the same jokes and the same love. Shared struggle is half the struggle, We are in this together 🤍

Lina Rosa


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